
外出旅游, 坐飞机的情况居多. 然而911, 和最近英国的预谋恐怖事件, 都是针对航空飞行策划的, 从而飞行安检越来越严. 在这样一个世界里, 其实检和不检, 我并没有感觉有更安全, 因为如果是”职业的”, 机场的漏洞总是会被更早发现的, Fox 24的系列电视剧说的就是这类吧. 然而对于普通乘客, 带来的不方便是的的确确的, 然而你能做什么呢? 坐飞机不再是一件好玩的事儿. 想起前几天英国的预谋恐怖事件后安检加强后采访一个女乘客, 问问感想, 她说迟早大家都得脱光光上飞机… 不过她无所尉.

今天看到的一个真实故事, 来自如下新闻:

iPod prompts airport scare in Ottawa

A suspicious package found in an aircraft washroom on a flight from Chicago on Tuesday afternoon brought out Ottawa police canine and bomb-disposal units.

A member of the crew found the package about 4 p.m.

The plane landed safely and was isolated away from the terminal.

Passengers were taken off the plane and questioned by police while experts investigated the ‘package.’

The airport was not closed during the three-hour incident.

Police issued a statement Tuesday evening saying the suspicious package ‘has been identified as an electronic device commonly known as an iPod.’ ”

你可能没觉得有什么, 不过对照当事人的亲自述说, 他如何从一个上厕所不小心把ipod掉到马桶里的倒霉鬼变成了疑似恐怖分子, 这个故事真的让我觉得, 能少坐飞机就少坐吧. 对了, ipod现在还让带上飞机吗?

想试一试你对自制炸弹的警觉性? 不妨看看这个Bomb Or Not网站测试一下.

Posted: September 4, 2006in:

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