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Airfare Best Find

The Cities The Best Fares

The best daily fares report about the lowest published fares out of your departing city to the major U.S. and Canadian destinations. Learn how to reading the report before use its web information.


Search from a wide range of airlines & agents with your destination and departure city information, then tell you airfare range for upcoming flights. The prices provided are only for your general reference and are not presented based on specific days of travel.

Expedia Airline Best Fare List

U.S. version. Find out when the lowest roundtrip fares published by the airlines are available.
Canada version: Allows to specify a particular airline.
German version: Allows to specify a particular airline and search by month.

Update:Expedia best fare tool US version and Canada version are not available any more. Only German version is still available.

Travelocity Airline Best Fare List

Report the lowest roundtrip fares by cities, time and preferred airlines.
Travelocity Dream Maps: Show a map of cities you can fly to from your departure city for a certain range of fares.

Kayak Buzz

A great tool using Kayak search to show a map of cities you can fly to from your departure city for a certain range of fares.

Yahoo Best Fares

Yahoo's the best fares search based on departure or destination cities.


A neat tool to compare the airfare among some close airports based on Yahoo's best fares search,.


A free tool that provides travelers with historical averages airfare and largest market share airlines.

Fare Alert

A email alert service which tell you the "legendary deals" contributed by users of Flyertalk.