
Posted: August 29, 2010in:


朋友看到我的夏天出游计划,特别友情送来的温哥华餐厅一览,我似乎记得之前在网上也见过的,希望原作者也允许我这儿分享一下,今夏周围去温哥华的还特别的多,盼望加币贬值的再多一点,再多一点 =)






1124 Alberni Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 1A5, Canada
(604) 683-8222

Shanghai River (沪江)
7831 Westminster Hwy., #110
Tel: 604-233-8885
强烈推荐!最好吃的小笼汤包和上海生煎包,精致的淮扬菜,餐厅的装潢和waitress最漂亮,没订位最好别去. 醉鸡+蔬菜卷


城市: Richmond
地址: 6610 No.3 Road
电话: 604-276-1780


Posted: May 24, 2010in:

Vancouver and Victoria BC Canada 的功课

My plan:

Day 1: Seattle - Vancouver (Driving through the border at the Peace Arch.)
Day 2: Vancouver city
Day 3: Day trip to Whistler
Day 4: North Vancouver
Day 5: Western Vancouver - Horseshoe bay - Nanaimo - Port Alberni - Tofino
Day 6: Tofino
Day 7: Tofino - Victoria (5 hour drive)
Day 8: Victoria
Day 9: Victoria - Port Angela - Seattle
Day 10: Home


Posted: May 1, 2010in:


Matagorda is the best kept secret on the upper Texas Coast. Less than 1.5 hr to H-town, yet a population of less than 1,000. Best fishing, least crowded beaches, nicest people you’ll ever find.

Try Spoonbills for fine sea food, Russell’s Bait shop for fisherman’s breakfast, the Reef for shrimp poorboys, River Bend for CFS, Neon Palm for pizza.

Say “Hi” to Stephanie at Stanley’s “If Stanleys don’t have it, you don’t need it.”




Posted: March 28, 2010in:

Byblos 旅馆一角

Byblos 旅馆一角的雕塑。「殺很大」。

Posted: December 17, 2009in:

2009黄石行:Lower Loop


Posted: July 21, 2009in:


小宝参加学校creative program, 为赋新词强说愁,新诗一首:

I Wish

It is a Sunday morning,
I wake up early.
The world is quiet,
but my parents are snoring.
I said aloud to myself,
Oh, I am just beginning,
while this is too boring.
So laying on the bed,
I start my daydreaming…


Posted: September 28, 2008in:

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Posted: July 27, 2008in:

Cruise 功课

Be sure to take an underwater camera.


Stingray City - Located at the North Sound sandbar, is accessible only by boat. Stingrays gather here to be fed. This shallow, sandy area is one of two spots on Grand Cayman that are ideal for snorkeling among the stingrays. In StingrayCity the stingrays are so tame they suck the squid right out of your hand. Duration 3-4 hours. Price: $38-$46.50

Grand Cayman is one of those rare safe islands, so you can feel fine about planning your own excursions and not having to use the ships excursions (if you choose to do so).

1. I think everyone should visit stingray sandbar once. It’s an amazing experience. We never tire of this and do this each time we’re there. We use Captain Marvin’s. www.captainmarvins.com

2. There’s always the island tour and Captain Marvin’s also offers one of these (we did this our first time there so we could get an idea of what the island was like). You’ll drive down the 7MB area…stop at the Gov’s mansion (stay on bus)…stop at the old house, the one with sand as a yard (stay on the bus)…stop at Hell (you’ll get off the bus and can roam around. There’s rock formation that look like what Hell might look like, hence the name of the town. There’s also a gift shop there). Then you’ll probably stop at the new turtle farm (they have a huge gift shop and a smallish snack bar). You’ll also make a stop at the Tortuga rum cake place. They have samples of rum and rum cakes, and an assortment of other souvenirs.

3. A day at the beach. Sea Grape and Royal Palms are places along the 7MB stretch. They offer food, restrooms, chair rentals, water toy rentals. You can grab a cab from the port, or have the driver drop you at one of these places (after your snorkel at stingray sandbar-if you do the snorkel). There are plenty of cabs at both of these places for your return trip. Sea Grape is a couple of miles past Royal Palms, so if you’re pinched for time, I’d go to Royal Palms.

Here’s Royal Palm’s website (the Reef Grill).


Here’ the company who supplies the water activities at Royal Palms.


Here’s the company who supplies the water activities at Sea Grape.


4. Rum Point is a wonderful beach area on Grand Cayman. It’s much more tropical than the 7MB area, but it’s also a 45-minute drive (each way) to RP. Nativeway offers a stingray snorkel and Rum Point trip. Rum Point has a restaurant, water toy rentals (Red Sail is also here), a nice sized gift shop, restrooms with a nice shower area, and lounge chairs.

5. Many of the hotels offer day packages. You might check with the Hyatt, the Marriott Beach Resort, Comfort Suites, or the Westin Casuarina. 7MB is public, and you can walk the length of it and stop anywhere you want. I think it’s the high tide mark that draws the line. So you could just plop your towel anywhere you want and enjoy the ocean.

6. You could rent a car and explore the island. Grand Cayman is one of those rare islands that you can drive anywhere on the island and be completely safe (use the same precautions you’d use at home). We always use Andy’s.

7. The botanical garden is lovely, but it’s over on the other side of the island (on the way to Rum Point). You’d need to have your own car, or find a tour that would take you there.

8. Pedro’s Castle-the blowholes-The Lighthouse Restaurant. These are all on the way to Rum Point (should you be heading that way).

9. The Butterfly Farm is near the port area. We’ve not done this yet, but I believe we’re going to make time the next time we’re there.

10. Atlantis submarine is something that’s fun. www.atlantisadventures.com/grandcayman.c…

11. The Jolly Roger Trolley. I’m not sure how you book this, we’ve not done it, but we’ve seen the trolley on the roads in Cayman.

12. Jolly Roger Pirate ship tour. www.jollyrogercayman.com/

13. Pampered Ponies (we’ve not done this). www.ponies.ky/

14. Here’s a restaurant guide.


Breezes is one of our favorites. Here’s their website. www.breezesbythebay.com/ In the picture, it’s the building on the left side (second and third floor. They have a small balcony and it’s really fun to people watch and it’s a great view of the ocean. They also have a bar menu. You have to ask for this, but they have some different selections than on the regular menu and some are the same, they just don’t have all the sides.

You’ll also be close to the Hard Rock, Margaritaville, Rackham’s (a short walk), and the Paradise Grill.


Marva Shaw at www.knowjamaica.com.

We booked Bamboo beach club, dunn’s river falls & tubing combination tour. Three activities in one day at the cost of $90, including all food, drinks, entertainment, and transportation

$35/pp 41/2 Hours.

Dunn’s River Falls.
Mahogany beach

Posted: December 11, 2007in:

在路上 2007 San Diego (十) 灾区

豫园开在holiday inn附近,听说平时的正餐不怎么样,偏偏周末的点心做得满正宗。这会儿,人不少,不过也没有多等,二话不说,要了醉鸡、熏鱼、油条、豆浆、肉夹膜、雪菜面,葱油饼,样样数数摆满一桌,以至于邻座的人都拿我们点的当样品参考了。




这几棟尚未清理的残墙断壁,足以看出当时火势的惨烈。Yong说之前的一晚,风势极大,火借风势,很快就失去了控制,从东面直接越过双向八道的15号高速,连他们也没有预料到,直到清早接到撤离通知的时候才匆匆忙忙收拾东西。至于山火的原因,San Diego今年夏季的干旱是本质,当然除了自然造成的山火之外,有些地区火因诡异,不排除有人为纵火骗取保险的可能。




付之一炬 (火灾现场的照片)

San Diego 2007 Fire Evacuation Area Map

Posted: November 29, 2007in:

在路上 2007 San Diego (七) 叙旧

(copied from theadventureofalifetime.wordpress.com)


今晚约好了去朋友Yong那里看看,住个周末。他们来San Diego时间也不算太长,可房子是越换越大,充分见证了南加房子前几年暴长的过程。只是这一阵子,这儿的房市要淡很多。

顺道去大华停了停,想买些海鲜。发现自己最中意的海螺很不新鲜,就换了主意,买了些石蟹(stone crab)和海岘(clam),外加一瓶梅子酒。意外还碰到了一起上课的H, 很热情,答应下回有机会去他那儿坐坐。

北去的15号高速塞的满满的,慢慢地挪,快到朋友家附近的时候看到之前San Diego野火肆虐过的痕迹。想起不久前的一晚,坐在家中,突然电视里转播南加大火的实况新闻,这才意识到这火灾比想像的凶猛。打电话给Yong, 家里居然没人接,第二日再试,连电话都忙音了。后来听Yong说,他们一大早六点就被电话唤醒,要求紧急疏散,只好匆匆忙忙逃往LA. 那一阵,漫天烟雾遮天蔽日,沿途疏散的车流滚滚,颇有些好莱坞大片中的感觉。还好,没两日回来,他们新区的房子完好无损,保险公司的动作也颇快,很快把他们撤离的费用也给补助了。



Posted: November 24, 2007in:

在路上 2007 San Diego (六)

San Diego机场自称有Free Wifi, 可惜试了半天,wireless连上了,但是却连不上网。后来找到一个无名的hotpot, 反倒好用。大概免费的知名度高了,人人趋之若骛,反而连不上了?

今天八点多的飞机,六点半从朋友那儿出发,可以GPS开到一半又不灵了(后来发现是接触的问题)。在朋友那儿看到Garmin便携式的GPS, 信号也好,非常的方便。嗯,考虑买一个,Costco 现在有折扣,只是要去欧洲旅行的话,地图卖的太贵了,顶上另一个GPS了。


Posted: November 18, 2007in:


新的酒店住宿超级搜索网站,HotelsCombined.com,号称搜索超过400,000 酒店服务. 和主要酒店网站合作,并拥有酒店图片,客人评价和酒店描述等附加功能,还有多国语言版本。我试了一下中文版搜索上海的旅馆,搜索结果还不错,很多超八(super 8) 的旅馆价格低廉。


Posted: September 5, 2007in:

2007在路上:Mt Rainier

Hello from Packwood~~

Packwood是位于Mt Rainier 和St Helen之间的一个小小镇,手机没信号,不过Motel居然有无线上网。于是有了今天的故事。

傍晚8:30才开到这个小镇,找到这个小汽车旅馆,收拾一下,出去吃东西。吃饭的这家餐馆Peter’s Inns是小镇唯一一家比较大的餐馆(还有一家是Pizza店),吃得自然很平常,饱肚而已,不过餐馆外面有鹿儿在吃草,而且餐馆里面挂了个鹿头,还有只真熊的标本。 餐馆有客人说今天从St Helen 开来的时候看到熊了。

Mt Rainier的收获是筋疲骨软。下午五点多在Paradise走了个trail, 结果走到七点钟才回来,路上白雪皑皑,一家三口走得深一脚浅一脚,中间有一段好久见不到人,都打算放弃了,不过后来跌跌撞撞坚持下来了。当然沿途有几处风景点,可以看到Mt Rainier从山脚到山顶的全貌,也算值得了。“空山不见人、唯闻人声隐约,夕照映入深林,复照青苔上”,疯疯小宝和LD边走边唱,我扛着相机和三角架,随手也拍了些风景和全家合影。

之前在Paradise visitor center, 小宝还努力做功课,宣誓当了个junior ranger.

Mt Rainier从一路看过来,远看的时候象一幅中国的水墨画,淡淡地映在城市的 背景中,有些不真实的感觉。开进山中,满眼的郁郁葱葱,反而不见雪山的影子。真正又看到它的时候,似乎山上的积雪并不是很厚重的样子,和Canadian Rockies雪山的丰腴相比,多少有一种骨感美。当然和看美女一样,每个人有每个人的感觉。

进山的时间很晚,下午一点多才到。不过这儿的天黑得晚,太阳高高得时候,躲在车里一路看风景。直到日头偏西,才折回Paradise, 人也少了,山也静了,风景似乎成了我们三个人的。

明天要去St Helen看看。

Posted: July 6, 2007in:




Posted: March 23, 2007in: