Hold Your Reservation

United Airlines (confirmed)

The confirming email says “Purchase by 1:59pm (midnight) Central Time on July 14 to avoid cancellation”.

American Airlines (confirmed)

The confirming email says “Purchase by 1:59pm (midnight) Central Time on July 14 to avoid cancellation”.


NWA’s 24 hour free cancellation
www.nwa.com/plan/comm5.html (credit to ryabushka)

24 Hour Risk Free Cancel Policy

Delta Air Lines is now offering customers who purchase their tickets at delta.com, flysong.com, or via other direct Delta ticketing locations, a Risk-free Cancellation policy to cancel certain tickets within 24 hours without penalty* if they find lower fares anywhere else or if their travel plans change.


目前还有类似服务吗?之前standardgirl 介绍的似乎取消了。

现注个continental onepass的账号,然后reservation,一切都正常使用,到了最后的时候,page上会说,”the option to hold your reservation for 24hrs is not longavailable, but continental onepass member may cancel their reservation up to 24 hrs after booking without penalty” 然后,到page的最下面,有三个botton可以click,”Purchase” “Reserve” “Cancel”, å°±click那个reserve! 然后一切继续。结束之后,到My Account,就可以看到你的reservation了,好处是,你还没有purchase,没有付钱,但价钱已经guarantee了。(这个和西北的save intenary不一样!) Continental会hold reservation到隔天半夜12点central time,如果在那之前你都没
有去complete purchse的话,reservation会自己cancel,不需要担心。 那现在要做什么呢? 当然就是每天看价钱啦! 如果价钱涨了,就赶快complete前一天的reservation,如果价钱没有变,就把上一个reservation cancel掉(到my account里就

不过还有一个办法,那就是你可以按Purchase,然后再要输入信用卡资料的时候,离开画面(或者选phone purchase),会有一个pop-up window,上头会有一个confirmationnumber,让你24小时内打电话去complete purchase,这个option原本是给不喜欢在网路上用信用卡的人用的,不过因为可以hold 24hrs,所以应该也能达到我们想要的效果

Posted: June 15, 2007in: