
现如今,你如果打某个公司的客服电话,听到接通的时候不要激动地说hello, 因为你多办听到的事先录好的自助语音服务,英文简称IVRs(“interactive voice response”) . 而且你会发现越来越难和真正的客服人员打交道。比如我最近打电话给priceline, 就想问一个简单关于我租车的问题,没想到和机器了扯了半天,输入了N多信息,结果一不留神按错了键,还被踢了出来,白白浪费时间。总的而言,越来越多的公司利用IVRs来降低服务成本,但是对顾客而言却是很头痛的事情,特别是你知道IVRs不可能解决你的问题而着急想和真人说话的时候,你会充分地体会到即使是听到“印度英语”也是一件美好的事情。

网友gototrip给我们推荐了一个很好的网页,The IVR Cheat Sheet™ ,说是创立Kayak超级旅游搜索网站的Paul English总结的关于快速避开IVRs直接和客服人员直接交谈的trick,非常有用。而且在他的网页上,还总结了一些基本方法,摘引如下,方便大家参考:

  1. Press 0 (or 0# or #0 or 0* or *0) repeatedly, sometimes quickly. Many IVRs will connect to a human after a few “invalid entries”, although some IVRs will hangup. :-(
  2. Say “get human” (or “agent” or “representative”) or shout your favorite four letter word. If these are not programmed, the IVR might again connect you to a human after a few of these “invalid entries”.
  3. Just hold, pretending you have only a rotary phone.
  4. Connect to sales; they always seem to answer quickly, then have them transfer you to the department you need.
    Selecting the option for Spanish will sometimes get you a bilingual human quickly.
  5. Search Google for the company name and “customer support” or “phone numbers”. Or try “investor relations” or the “president’s office”.

我个人常用的方法就是尽可能找到一个重要部门有真人接电话的选择然后让他们给转到其它相关部门去, 和上面提到的第四点有些象吧。另外gototrip的blog中少罗嗦,我要找人说!解释的比我清楚,有兴趣的朋友可以看一下。

Posted: January 5, 2006in:

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