
Travel Start-Ups博客中的一篇文章,谈到了航空公司和传统售票系统GDS之间的关系变化,很显然,上个世纪诞生的GDS由上而下的Supplier-Driven Distribution,在如今网络信息年代,受到了航空公司和购票乘客双方面的压力,现在的购票方式更多转向Demand-Driven Distribution的模型。直接而言,航空公司越来越通过网络直销的方式和乘客打交道,而乘客也越来越喜欢DIY,而不是单纯受制于传统旅行社。互联网的出现,极大方便了信息流通,而历史上由于信息不平衡而产生的中介机构,比如GDS和旅行社,越来越受到挑战。我相信,未来的旅行社,虽然不会消失,但更多层次上是对人的服务和信息的综合采集处理优化,单纯靠信息垄断而获利的时代恐怕一去不复返了。

旅行社如此,股票交易如此,那realtor呢?mortgage broker呢?car dealer呢?

The balance of power between GDSs and airlines is shifting
For decades, the GDSs (global distribution systems) held all the leverage in negotiations with airlines. Times are changing.

In recent years, airlines have increased their share of bookings that bypass the GDS channel. Many carriers are now booking close to 50% of their seats direct via their websites. Some airlines have established direct connections into large agencies, such as Orbitz. GNEs (GDS new entrants) such as G2 Switchworks (founded by the former Orbitz CTO), Farelogix, ITA Software (raised $100 million last year) and others have emerged to offer agencies and airlines an alternate booking solution. For more detail on the GDS to GNE evolution check out a deck posted by Richard Eastman.

To apply further pressure on the GDS channel, Northwest Airlines (NWA) announced in August of 2004 that it would charge a “shared GDS fee” for tickets issued through a GDS by U.S. and Canadian online and traditional agencies. Although this move did not stick, it was no doubt effective positioning for the upcoming round of GDS negotiations and demonstrated that the airlines leverage was reaching critical mass.

And now, earlier this month, American announced that on Sept. 1st it plans to begin charging agencies a “booking source premium” of $3.50 per segment for all bookings made through Sabre and Amadeus (GDSs they have not signed new, long-term contracts with). Northwest, United, Delta, and Continental have followed, which means it is likely even more airlines will add the “booking source premium” fee in the weeks/months ahead.

Posted: March 12, 2007in:

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