Lucern Switzerland Trip Plan

Day 1: 苏黎世 Zurich Airport - 卢塞恩Lucerne城内—酒店

Day2: 菲茨瑙Vitznau火车站—瑞吉山Mount Rigi—开车环琉森湖一周(约3小时,途中游览小镇)—回酒店

Day3: 英格堡Engelberg—铁力士山Mount Titlis - 继续行程


瑞士Lucerne 旅游局从2008年起决定使用“琉森”作为其中文译名(之前译为“卢塞恩”)。“琉森”这个译名所包含的“翠绿的森林”的意思也更符合其自然环境和Lake Lucerne的别名“四森林州湖”的含义。另一方面,这也使两岸三地的中文翻译达成了统一。



免費的名牌小茶匙標 一個月前,在因特拉根和盧森都有拿到 Information inside City Map 瑞士勞力士專門店Bucherer去兌換免費的勞力士精緻茶匙。

1. 菲茨瑙 (Vitznau)乘登山火车VRB (红色)->18分钟后到达海拔1,453米的瑞吉·卡尔特巴德站Rigi Kaltbad->瑞吉·施塔菲尔(Rigi Staffel)->瑞吉·库尔姆(Rigi Kulm) 单程约30分钟。这段铁路于1871年开通,是欧洲最早开通的登山铁路。1937年电动化铁路通车,但是现在,在特别的日子里也有蒸汽机车行驶。单程票全价:40CHF/每人; Timetable: up 915/1015/1050/1115/1215… down 1200/1300/1400/…

Rigi-Kaltbad野餐區 免費天然木材提供,要生火的自助自理 野餐食材。 可以选择hiking from Rigi Kulm down to Rigi Kaltbad (1 hr)

2. 阿尔特戈尔道(Arth-Goldau)乘登山火车ARB(蓝色)->克莱贝尔(Chrabel)->瑞吉·库尔姆 单程约45分钟。这条线路1875年已建成,于1907年早于菲茨瑙铁路实现了电动化,是电动齿轨登山铁路的先驱。在途中中转站瑞吉·克雷斯特利(Rigi Kloesterli),可以参观在铁路开通之前迎来了众多朝圣者的“雪之玛丽亚”教堂。

3. 韦吉斯(Weggis)乘索道->瑞吉·卡尔特巴德站,换乘登山火车->瑞吉·库尔姆 单程10分钟。位于琉森(卢塞恩)湖畔的韦吉斯度假区可以从琉森(卢塞恩)乘坐游船、电动火车、巴士到达。从韦吉斯山山脚的车站乘坐1968年开通的索道可以到达瑞吉山最古老的教堂所在地—瑞吉·卡尔特巴德。如果想登上山顶,就在这里换乘由Vitznau发出的登山列车。缆车票每人14.5CHF


4.持有瑞士通票的游客,从游轮到火车和缆车,全部免费,一定不要错过!… - 琉森旅行攻略/打印…

Tips:多种前往方式:乘坐琉森—施坦斯—英格堡(Lucerne–Stans–Engelberg)火车到达英格堡;或者从琉森出发,坐船到史丹施达德(Stansstad),转乘公共汽车或者火车到达英格堡。持瑞士通票Swiss Pass可随意搭乘各种系统的交通工具,火车、巴士、蒸汽船等,也可享受优惠。
Tips:驾车前往,沿A2公路到Stans Süd出口,然后沿主干道行驶到英格堡(20分钟)。铁力士山谷缆车站,设有停车场。


第五层直接通向外面,出了缆车站之后可以见到一个天台,连接着终日不化的积雪平台。进入积雪地带后左边是平的,右边是向上凸起的,呈橄榄型。一直向积雪平台深处走去,可以见到一个Ice Flyer的站点。乘坐Ice Flyer可以看到雪山顶部(前提是天气好,一般是雾蒙蒙一片)。下面有冰川乐园等设施,回程仍要乘坐Ice Flyer回到积雪平台。往返票每人12CHF,不能用半价卡。

首先来到的是铁力士冰川公园(Titlis Glacier Park),乘坐冰川飞渡吊椅(Ice Flyer)

Key Address:
Hotel Seeburg Luzern | Seeburgstrasse 53-61 | CH - 6006 Luzern
T +41 41 375 55 55 | F +41 41 375 55 50 | |

RÖSLI Guest House
Address: Pfistergasse 12 Lucerne, 6003 Switzerland - Ling’s hotel/parking
Phone: +41412492277 Email:

Lucerne Station - Superb touring base for central Switzerland, and COOP and Migros are open 24 hours. There is some shopping for clothes, make up, perfumes and a 24 hour clinic.
Bahnhofplatz, Lucerne 6005, Switzerland

Lucerne Tourist Information Center
Zentralstrasse 5, 6002 Lucerne, Switzerland

Vitznau Rigi Station - Take the highway A4 and leave it at the exit “Küssnacht am Rigi”. From Küssnacht, take the main road along the lake shore via Weggis to Vitznau, from where the Mt. Rigi railway departs.

Mount Titlis - Poststrasse 3, Engelberg 6390, Switzerland
Roadtrip key towns: Brunnen/Ingenbohl, Flüelen/Altdorf, Seelisberg, Hergiswil;

First drive from Lucerne to Küssnacht (on the way you pass the Swiss Traffic museum (Verkehrshaus der Schweiz). You will also pass Merlischachen. Before you arrive at Küssnacht there is a parking area for the Astrid Chappel in remembrance of queen Astrid from Belgium who died by a car accident in the area. At Küssnacht, when you see the BAER chease factory (by the way: if you like soft chease like Camembert, Limburger etc. you should visit the factory store. Just follow the Baer signs) in front of you turn right into the village of Küssnacht. There is a great park around the Küssnacht end of the lake and a great restaurant directly on the lake with a parking area. On a warm day, sit here and enjoy the peaceful lake.

Drive around the lake. You will pass Vitznau (where the Rigi railway starts) and Gersau before you arrive at Brunnen. Turn twice right into the center of Brunnen and have a look over the lake in front of the parking space. Here also there is a little park with a flat path along the lake (right side from the boat station).

If you continue the road you will pass a 30 km speed zone and then arrive on the famous Axen road (which is a little bit like route 66 was in the States). On the way there is a road up to Morschach. Follow the Axen road to Flüelen. Before the tunnel turn right and you will arrive in the village which will not look very attractive. The beauties are a pretty long walk outside the village along the lake. If you would like to see parts of it, turn right the first road after the round about and then left in direction of Seedorf/BAUEN.

If you do not want to visit the village drive ahead through the tunnel, go straight ahead at the round about just after the tunnel and use the motorway in direction of Lucerne. There is no other way then to pass the Seelisberg tunnel. You can follow the motorway to Lucerne or if you prefer leave it at Beckenried and drive up to Seelisberg. Did you see the huge round roof op on the mountain from the Axen road? That was Seelisberg with great views. If you can, you could take the funicular down to Treib to the historic restaurant there. There is also a narrow road but not many parking spaces down there.

The Swiss Path is the name given to a special national path in central Switzerland opened in 1991. It makes a loop around one arm of Lake Lucerne, starting in Rütli and passing through Bauen, Flüelen, Sisikon and Morschach, finishing at Brunnen.

From Seelisberg you drive back to Beckenried and drive along the lake (blue signs) to Lucerne (over Hergiswil where the glass factory is, or take the motorway to Lucerne.

樱桃酒——Kirsch Dettling 樱桃酒厂在卢赛恩湖畔的小镇Brunnen,是个有140多年历史的老厂。 guided tour only CHF15/pp
Kirschwelt Dettling
Olympstrasse 10
CH- 6440 Brunnen

Tour of the four alpine passes from Lucerne…

Posted: May 26, 2013in:

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