Berner Oberland Trip Plan

Day 5: … Berne - Spiez - Interlaken nearby roadtrip - Checkin

tips: 天气好的话,就上雪山;否则逛周围小镇。

Bern Car Parking

Everything is so central to the railway station and if you take a left pass the main tram stop in front of the station you will head through the main street and toward. the Parliament,Cathedral and clock tower.



Berner Münster阶梯大教堂,是一座威风凛凛的后哥特式建筑。 位于正面入口的《最后的审判》浮雕,和描绘圣经场景的彩色玻璃绘画,以及拥有5040根管的管风琴都非常值得参观。高达100米的尖塔可是瑞士最高的塔楼 上塔的费用每人5CHF

Rose Garden
If you want to avoid climbing a lot- use the entrance from Viktoriastrasse, ( easy to reach by bus ) then climb down towards Nydeggbrucke ( where you can see the bears, near the bridge), cross the bridge and you arrive in the old center.

2hr Walking Tours by Frommer’s…

A day in Bern - local’s…

Bern 中文景点介绍… - 需打印

到伯尔尼,基本上就是在老城区逛。老城区的主街,由四条很短的街道组成,分别是医院街Spitalgasse(红色路牌)/市场街Marktgasse(黄色路牌)/克拉姆街Kramgasse(绿色路牌)/正义街Gerechtigkeitgasse(白色路牌)。伯尔尼有“泉之城”的美称其中11处至今还保留着旧貌 老城区主干路走到终点就是熊苑 从熊苑过了马路有个岔路口,其中一个路线较长、较高的通向玫瑰园。
Thun 图恩 也很有看头。… - 需打印
Spiezå ¡

施皮茨火车站 Migros超市 左手边有条普通的过道 可以毫无遮掩的看到施皮茨全景
Berner Oberland 中文景点介绍… - 需打印

Interlaken有两个湖,一个在镇的东面,叫Brienz湖,另一个湖在西面,更大些,叫Thun湖。我们把车停在Interlaken Ost.的停车场,那里是火车站,也是游船码头。购物街就从这里起始一直通到镇的西面。船票48法郎一张,复古的蒸汽动力船。因特拉肯东站的对面有个很大的超市COOP,
Iseltwald 伊瑟尔特瓦尔德 (小村) 湖边露天 特色是各种湖里的鱼 人均消费20——30CHF
Brienz 布里恩茨 石阶湖堤随便逛逛就好

Day x1 少女峰: 坐小火车到少女峰(劳特布伦纳坐小火车到Kleine Scheidegg——转车到Jungfraujoch。)——观景平台——冰宫——下山由Jungfraujoch坐小火车到Kleine Scheidegg 午饭——徒步2hr到Mannlichen(约4.4公里)——坐缆车到Wengen 坐缆车到Grindelwald Grund——坐小火车到Grindelwald格林德尔瓦尔德(约1.5公里,游览)——坐小火车到Zweilutschinen——转车回劳特布伦纳(回酒店)


欧洲海拔最高的的列车Jungfraubahn,从Kleine Scheidegg 到峰顶的这段路程,会穿越一个长达7.2公里的隧道,隧道中间设有两个观景台,火车会各停5分钟,分别是2865米高的艾格石壁Eigerwand与3160米高的冰海(Eismeer),从这两个观景台都可以看见连绵的雪山与冰河流泻而下的景色;Jungfraujoch(少女峰站),在此下车后,可乘高速电梯25秒到达斯芬克斯 Sphinx 观景台,走下电梯穿过隧道就来到雪地中;还可以到火车站后面的普拉特Plateau观景台领略冰河景致;另外从车站或普拉特观景台都可乘电梯前往超级冰宫游览。注意看好下山火车时刻,以免耽误旅程。

冰宫,比铁力士山上的冰洞要好多了。我们坐小火车回到Kleine Scheideg这站,这里是个中转站,午饭是特色的黄金土豆饼,配一根香肠。每人大约15CHF搞定。

下山 从少女峰到克来雪德,再换乘到格林德沃(Grindelwald) 最好朝着列车运行的相反方向坐在左侧。因为列车会暂时转向格林德沃低地(GrindelWaldGrund 944米),然后掉转方向,这样在左边就能看到著名的爱哥峰北墙了

Tips: 搭红色的火车,坐在右手边的位置观少女峰。搭黄绿色的火车,坐左手边的位置观冰山景色。
Tips: 7:15的火车(早安车)

option 1:


option 2:
然后从Kleine Scheidegg換普通火車,只坐一站就到文根山(Wengernalp),持瑞士通票免费,下車後循著路標健行至文根村。 开始第三段徒步

文根村(Wengen)也是俯瞰劳特布伦嫩峡谷的最佳地点 U型峡谷

Day x2 雪朗峰: Lauterbrunnen——坐缆车 Grutschalp ——小火车到米伦Murren ——坐缆车到雪朗峰(观景平台)——旋转餐厅喝咖啡——坐缆车回米伦(游览)——COOP超市购物——缆车直上Allmendhulbel 野餐 —— 徒步 1.5-2hr 下坡经Blumental回米伦 - 徒步 1hr 下坡到金美儿瓦尔德Gimmelwald(游览)——坐缆车到Stechelberg——大巴回劳特布伦纳Lauterbrunnen



Option 1:
鲜花小径 Allmendhubel - Murren(下坡,但是要先坐缆车上Allmendhubel)
我们乘缆车直上Allmendhulbel,出缆车直接就在车站旁的山间小馆坐下,主菜是松木烤肉串,配盘的是烤土豆 ; 一出缆车站,雪山扑面而来,少女峰、艾格峰、门希峰就

Option 2:
Murren,拿了徒步线路图,选择了Murren-Grimmelwald(1hr)-Stechelberg(1hr)-Lauterbrunnen(2hr)的线路,一路走了5个多小时。Stechelberg-Lauterbrunnen 2hr.

In LAUTERBRUNNEN don’t miss TRUMMELBACH FALLS 施陶布河瀑布 欧洲第二大的瀑布

Day x3 First: 酒店(早餐)——开车到Grindelwald——坐缆车到First——徒步1hr到Bachalpsee湖——徒步45min经Waldspiz到Bort——坐缆车回Grindelwald——开车到因特拉肯(吃中餐)—— - Iseltwald (游览)——回劳特布伦纳(回酒店)


佛斯特(First)-> (1hr)巴哈阿爾普湖(Bachalpsee) →華特匹茲(Waldspiz)→45min 柏特(Bort)(然后坐缆车回到Grindelwald)(來回費用50Fr)

附近小镇: The Aare Gorge
Floodlit illumination (West entrance): 15. June to 15. September,
daily, excluding Monday and Tuesday; during the Floodlit illumination from 17.30 - 22.00 h Entrance only west side!

If you want to drive there is a big car park at the Aaareschluct (West entrance) or as Pore says train to Meiringen and then the little tram/train that takes you near the entrance. This now leaves from the train station. You can then walk through the gorge and then descend back to a different station to take the tram/train back. If you drive just turn round and walk back to the entrance you came in. There is a lot of information on the website I have given. I always think the gorge is spectacular after rain.

About 5 mins drive out of Meiringen, or about 30 mins walk brings you to the Aareschlucht West or Aare Gorge. The gorge is spectacular - we went on a rainy day, it was wet, foggy and misty and the Aare river was roaring deafeningly through the narrow walls of the gorge. The total length is 1.4kms, you could do it in 40-45 mins. In summer they are also open at night upto 10pm, so one could also go for the night experience. It’s different with plenty of atmosphere! After completing the walk one could exit at Aareschlucht Ost and either take the MIB train or postbus back to Meiringen.

For the Falls see You can get combined tickets for both places.

The other gorge mentioned is the gletschergorge at Rosenlaui. Thisopens tomorrow according to their website.

Key Address:

KNK Holiday Apartments - our hotel
Brunnenmätteli, 3813 Saxeten

Bern Railway Station
Bern, Switzerland

Coop Interlaken Ost - Supermarket
Untere Bönigstrasse 10, 3800 Interlaken Switzerland

Coop Matten Metzgergasse 15, 3800 Matten b. Interlaken - Supermarket

Interlaken Tourismus
Höheweg 37
Postfach 369
3800 Interlaken

The Aare Gorge / Aareschlucht.
Sandey, 3860 Meiringen, Switzerland - 地下溶洞 close to Restaurant Aareschlucht
Phone +41 33 971 40 48
8.30 - 22.00 h during the Floodlit illumination from 17.30 - 22.00 h Entrance only west side!
CHF 7.5 /Group price $6

GRIMSELWELT - Grimselstrasse 19 3862 - Innertkirchen
Tel +41 33 982 26 26
CHF 10 Time July/August 9 - 18 Uhr

瑞士农民最爱的浦点:奶酪厂餐厅 1/2hr from Bern
Emmentaler Schaukaeserei - order Puff Pasty shell
Add to trip
Schaukasereistrasse 6, Affoltern im Emmental 3416 , Switzerland

Posted: May 27, 2013in:

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