Innsbruck - Königssee - Salzburg Trip Plan

Day 10: Innsbruck - Wattens - Chiemsee (2hr) - Königssee - Salzburg (2hr)


金顶城堡 Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) 黄金屋得名的金屋顶,由2657块鎏金的铜瓦搭成。这座白色的房子以前是蒂罗尔大公的宅邸。

因斯布鲁克市中心的主要街道—-玛丽亚·特雷萨大道Maria-Theresien Street。南端的凯旋门(Triumph Forte)经这幢安娜柱(Anna Säule)【建于1704年,庆祝前一年的7月26日圣安娜日大捷,奥国军队赶走了巴伐利亚占领军】,直到老城区和河边逛逛。

因斯布鲁克圣詹姆斯主教堂(Dom zu St. Jakob)外面看上去平平淡淡,内部装潢极为华丽
Cathedral of St. James - Domplatz 6, Innsbruck 6020, Austria

水晶世界 Swarovski Kristallwelten - on the way to Salzburg
Address: Kristallweltenstraße 1, 6112 Wattens, Austria
Phone:+43 5224 51080
Hours: Saturday hours 9:00 am–6:30 pm

Kufstein 库夫施泰因
城堡 参观城堡需要购票,好象10几欧,电梯直接可以乘上去。
Festung Kufstein
Oberer Stadtplatz 6, Kufstein 6330, Austria

Alpbach 山中小镇
巴伐利亚最大的淡水湖,基姆湖(Chiemsee)湖中有几座岛屿,有渡船与码头相连。最大的一座是男人岛(Herreninsel),从七世纪起,岛上就有一座奥古斯丁修道院。赫伦基姆宫(Herrenchiemsee Palace)的规模和装潢的豪华考究程度,确实令人叹为观止。其中的镜厅,长98米,超过凡尔赛宫镜厅25米之多

Ferry: Luitpold am See (close to here)
Seestraße 110
83209 Prien/Chiemsee, Germany

Schloss Herrenchiemsee
Herreninsel, Bavaria, Germany
Excellent guided tour in English. It is fair walk from the boats so be prepared for the weather. Copy of Versalies. The ride took about 20 minutes. There is about a 15 minute walk from the ticket office to the actual palace

Königssee (国王湖)
83471 Schönau am Königsee, Germany ‎

国王湖的标志之一,St Bartholomä教堂 游湖船 船竟然是1926年的古董货 湖中的鱼馆子


Salet下船时应留意回程的船期,计算徒步的时间。石子路硌脚 小木屋里有特别新鲜的牛奶喝 一杯牛奶1欧
Upon arriving at Salet we decided to take the 15 minute walk to the stunning Lake Obersee and we were blown away by its beauty! On the way back we noticed a sign for “Buttermilch”- we followed this sign to a small, Austrian dairy about 5 minutes away. We walked through beautiful alpine meadows, with typical Bavarian cows and their bells. Then we reached the deserted dairy, where we were greeted by an incredibly friendly Austrian lady who served us fresh buttermilch (Buttermilk) and a cheese sandwich.

It is definitely worthwhile taking the boat all the way South to Bartholomä to Salet if the boats are going that far (peak season only - 50min one way). From Salet, you can walk over to the Obersee Lake and also have a nice view of the Rothbach waterfall, the second tallest waterfall in Germany. There is a beautiful and easy walk to the Obersee (15 mins each way) and if you have time along the shore of this small lake and to Germany’s highest waterfall (probably another 45 mins each way). The scenery here is amazing. Buttermilch - deserted dairy

Salet乘船返航,红顶教堂下。这里最重要的环节还是吃鱼,我们在最大的那家餐馆分别点了烤(14欧)和Müller腌法(14.5欧)的国王湖虹鳟鱼,前者奶香四溢,后者略甜,还是配Berchtesgaden黑啤,味道都不错。熏鱼面包(3.5欧)牧民肉排(Almersteak) 国王湖红顶教堂的熏鱼。一定要去教堂旁边那家破木房子的店,而不是教堂的那家

旱獭油(Murmeltier Salbe)在国王湖也到处有售(7.5欧/100ml),可治疗烫伤,冻伤及关节炎等病。

There are only 2 restaurants in Königsee who sell fish grow up “in the lake”, Echostüberl is one of them - near harbor. the other one is called Historische Gaststätte at St. Bartholomä

Ramsau Village
Main Street | Ramsau, Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany
Key Address:
Best Western Plus Parkhotel Brunauer - our hotel
Elisabethstrasse 45A, Salzburg 5020 , Austria

The sound of music tour….

Posted: June 1, 2013in:

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